Need to recompile Kernel (Red Hat 8.0)

If you install red hat 8.0, you don't get ntfs support out of the box. I have still some windoze stuff. Please describe the steps needed to do the recompilation of the kernel with ntfs support. I am new at Linux ...

King Maximus:cool:
As long as i know the is no NTfs support. as M$ has n t published the way ntfs works.
if you fin d a way just tell mee, will you .

I found all my answers on this site


Now i can mount windows and clean up....

Can the Driver write to an NTFS volume, too?

There are two drivers, currently. The original driver, in 2.4 has some write code in it, but it is extremely dangerous to use it. The possibility of destroying your filesystem is very high.

The new driver, introduced in 2.5.11, has no write code at all. This may sound like a backwards step, but it was necessary to rewrite the driver in order to make the future coding simpler and more solid.

Adding write support will take a long time. NTFS is built like a database. Any changes you make, necessitate making changes in many places, for consistancy. Make a mistake and the filesystem will be damaged, make too many mistakes and the filesystem will be destroyed. Also, the current developers are only working on NTFS as a hobby, during their free time.

Microsoft haven't released any documention about the internals of NTFS, so we had to reverse engineer the filesystem from scratch

that's why I can't write to my winxp partition on mandrake...

By default, only root will be able to read from this mounted volume

and how do I allow a normal user to read the ntfs partition? now I can read it only as root...

thanks for your reply. I am aware that my partition is "read-only"...this is just enough for me

i don't need to be a root to access the partition, how do you mount it?
