Need some advise on the divx to dvdr tutorial

Hi i probley should be asking chickenman this question if your there chickman can you help me out this this problem,i converted heaps of divxs with your tutorial and they work perfect every time thanks,but i got this latest xvid movie and its got wmv audio in it and the tutorial rejects the file saying it doesnt like the wmv audio or something even tempenc says something similar,is there some way i can fix this by recoding the wmv to mp3 anyway im lost and need a bit of help thanks.
I grabbed this off another tut, see if this helps.
If you have trouble open WMV files
Try and rename it to .asf and open it. If that doesn't help try to change the directshow codec reader priority settings in TMPGEnc under Option->Environmental settings->VFAPI plug-in and right click on the DirectShow Multimedia File Reader and increase the priority to 1 or 2 or to the top of plugin-list and try open the video.
XviD and WMA... what an odd combo.

Easiest thing probably is to demux the audio stream and then convert it to AC3. Encode your video as per usual and then just author the two streams.
ok thanks a lot for your help but what can i use to encode the sound to ac3 what program should i use,yeh it deffently is a odd combination ive never seen this before.
You can demux out the audio and convert to anything you like but DVD2SVCD will not accept the file to convert the video while there is WMA audio present. Load the AVI into Nandub, set audio to MP3 and Save AVI. Leave Video at Direct Stream Copy and Audio to Full Processing Mode. Then it will load into DVD2SVCD.
Yeh hi chickenman i just tryed that i done the Video at Direct Stream Copy and Audio to Full Processing Mode and picked compresion for the audio at mp3 128kb and then clicked save as avi and it gave me this message


Doesnt matter now i just captured it with the RT2000 so it turned out perfect,it seemed the last resort,anyway thanks all for trying to help,very rare you come across files encoded like that.
Install DivX311alpha or anything else that installs DivX audio for that matter. I would not save to mp3 as it is a lossy format. Save to PCM wav.