need soft to clean reg file

i need a software that cleans my reg file

i have a lot of *.vxd file

i tried jv16 PowerTools & RegCleanr

but don't work
Damn, that sucks. I use the Registry Cleaner that comes in jv16. I used to use EasyCleaner, but I wouldnt recommend it anymore. In my xp system EasyCleaner seems to keep finding keys that shouldnt be deleted, and it hasnt been updated for a LONG time. Way before xp came out and he doesnt plan on working on it anymore. So i dont trust that one.

What exactly does jv16 and regcleaner do, that makes you say they arent working?
i know w98se try to load these file (in regfile) but now there files are not in my computer

i delete one file *.vxd with regedit

but they are too much

i try these 2 programs but nothing...they don't clean my regfile
This file maybe in the system.ini.
Remove from system.ini.
Always, takes a copy before edit any system file.