Need serial port

My computer doesn't have a serial port. Can I use my parallel port as my serial port? If yes, is there some kind of an adapter so that I will be able to hook up my unit to the parallel port? Thanks.
Hi Spiderman,
I don't know of any converters that you could use. What type of motherboard have you got? If it's new'ish than I would have thought it had at least 1 serial port. You could allways buy an add on card, these normally sell for about £13 in the U.K. I don't know what country your in so have a look at some of your local suppliers, Iam sure they may be able to help you.
Regards Dr Dog... :D
The other point to watch, is that if it's an old device, the drivers for it may not be compatible with anything other than a totally standard, old style serial port, or may not be compatible with your Windows version.

What is it? - we might be able to give a better assessment of the chances of success.

Scarecrow is 100% accurate there... the parallel port is a non-starter, and those represent your only possibilities ... I'd say there's more chance of finding a USB to Serial at a sensible price - all the PCI I/O cards I've seen have been extortionately priced.
I didn't think of that one....

The "OLD" standard, of having a large (AT) Keyboard port, 2 serials, 1 parallel and maybe an optional PS/2 mouse port, though as all items other than the keybors were on plates or extra punch-outs with header cables, they could be left unconnected.

This was then replaced by the ATX interpreatation -

PS/2 Keyboard, PS/2 mouse, 1 or 2 serials, 1 parallel, 2 USB on plate - and finally the push to "legacy free"

As I understand "legacy free", it means NO round keyboard and mouse sockets, NO serials, NO parallel and NO floppy (not certain of the last).

Unless it's fully legacy-free, there should be ONE serial port at least, and if already occupied by a serial mouse, cheapest way out would be to replace the mouse with a USB or PS/2 version. Also some mice had PS/2 to Serial adapters, while the current "combo" mouse is normally a USB to PS/2
Thank you all so much for your replies. It's a new custom made computer. It's a p4 2.4ghz running win xp pro and my mouse is hooked up to my usb. I still have 3 pci slots available and 3 usb ports unused.
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Since weight of numbers favours the USA, I'll suggest this if you're there.

4 serial ports on a PCI, and a lot cheaper than I'd expect.

I'm puzzled, actually, you have a parallel but no serial - so it's NOT "legacy free".

Anything else on the backplate? .... you won't find an old-style 25 pin serial on a new machine, so if there's a 9 pin socket with a "10101" marking, that'll be the serial - and if you have a 25 pin device, you need a 9-25 pin adapter.
The VGA (Monitor) connector is the same size as the 9 pin D, but is high density, with 15 pins in 3 rows instead of two.

Never seen a motherboard that has anything other than a full "legacy" port set, or is fully legacy free, but with the stuff they have to find room for, something probably has to give.

If the BIOS or device manager mentions serial ports, then it's possible there's a set of pins on the motherboard for a header cable, but getting hold of the right cable would make the PCI card an easier option - I had a USB header on one old machine, and the number of pin layouts used made finding a cable almost impossible as the manual didn't specfy the layout.