need of advice..

i have disabled some of my software that i got and my burner keeps on giving me buffer underrun error... any advice on what else i need to do so that i can stop giving me this... any comments will help
I use to get this problem in Nero, but after increasing buffer from file/prefereneces, no more such problems.

Are you burning on-the-fly from CDROM to Burner or from HD to Burner when you are getting Buffer under-runs? What speed are you trying to write at? Are you running other programs at the same time as burning?

A few simple rules to follow to ellimiate buffer under runs and guarentee a perfect burn:

1. Dont run any other program while burning.
2. Copy CD to HD as an Image first rather than on-th-fly
3. Enable DMA for HD and burner.
4. Burn at a speed compatable for both burner, CDR media and final player of the burnt CD.

Many people can abuse these rules and still make perfect copies with no buffer underruns, but start simple and build from there.
i have Win. ME, Mitsumi Cd-4804te and on options i have checked disconnect, sync datta transfer, and dma and the hard disk on read ahead otimization i put it on none and when i try to burn i disable all the things a have running (ctrl + alt + delete)... but i was reading else where that they maybe things running and not shown by pressing (ctrl + alt + delete) i have taken some time to look for what maybe causeing this but... nothing yet, maybe i need to find that one prog. wintask2000...