Need Info About Btc


Someone have useful information ragarding to BTC BCE 1610IM
does it support SD2 2.51 (without AWS) & Securom 2 Protect ?

I don't find many information on this recorder on internet...
but i will receive it instead of ACER1208...

It is a Good deal ?
It is a rebadged writer,I would stay clear of it, and the Acer.Keep looking around bud,seriously.;) You can do better.

Most likely no good for SD2.
Thanks guys for your reply...

The Story:

i bough the ACER1208 last years,
now my Acer1208 is 'out' it won't record any CDRW
So i sent it to the Warranty support, and they reply:
"Sorry Sir, now we haven't your cd-recorder (acer) for standart Exchange, but we can you propose to exchange it with a BTC 1610IM Instead if you agree...etc"

So according to the "CloneCD" and CDmate" CD-Recorder, this cd-recorder (BTC) could be able to bypass lastest safedisc 2 + securom...

but using "search forum" i see no one which have or speak anymore about this cd-recorder :confused:
So i don't know if it's truely able to support RAW96+SD2...

you mean accoding your 'source' this cd-recorder is NOT compatible with SD2 protection ??

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Judging by that model# it looks like a rebadged LIteon that does not do SD2.Rebadgers change models all the time.That is why I never recommend them!;)
Best thing I can suggest is ask them if you can return it.If it(the BTC) won't do SD2 then you can get a refund(I hope) on the Acer, and get a brand name writer.;)

Only the 32X BTC looks able to handle the new SD2.The 32X also does full suchannel (96 bytes).That is the only fully supported BTC on the Clone writer list.;)
Thanks Woody for your suggestion!

Well, normally i will receive this "BTC" after 2 days (Tuesday)
So will test it with SD2 protection + securom and post my result test ;)

but according to the 'warranty support', i can't have any rent and because they don't have any 'ACER' recorder in stock... i had only two solutions:
- wait several times for a new OEM acer1208 (x12) :mad:
- or take the BTC 1610 instead (x16) :(

perhaps i'm wrong, but my (old) Acer1208 cannot perform PSX-Lib protection (because of RAW-94) and cannot support raw96 reading mode...

So i though it was a good 'deal' to exchange it for a BTC 1610 (X16 + RAW96 R//W + SD2 SUPPORT (not sure)

i agree with you accoding the 'CloneCD' cd-r database...
but accoding the CD-MATE CD-recorder list, this #modèle support both RAW96+EFM SD2 enable...

Now, i must wait to see by myself
i hope i made a 'good' deal...

wait..and...see (i'm very impatient to test!)
Yep,you are correct on the Acer.It looks like you have no other choices,I have been wrong before.I hope I'm wrong about this writer.;)
Wonderfull !!!


Hi Woody,

Well yesterday i received the 'BTC 16/10/40' (instead of my previous ACER1208 sent to the warranty support)

So i do somes test using:
- Battle Realms (SD2)
- Hitman (SD2)
- Severance (Securom 2)

1) Battle Realms:
- Reader: Liteon 163
- Writer : BTC 1610
-W.Speed: X10
Result: WORK FINE ! (tested under Liteon and BTC as reader)

- Reader: Liteon 163
- Writer : BTC 1610
-W.Speed: X8
Result: WORK FINE ! (tested under Liteon and BTC as reader)

- Reader: BTC 1610 (+ sub96)
- Writer : BTC 1610 (+ disable ecc/edc)
-W.Speed: X10
Result: WORK FINE ! (tested under Liteon as reader)


This burner fully support EFM + RAW96 (+ burnproof as bonus :)
it's able to bypass previous SD2 and Securom 2. without problèm!
in others word, it's BETTER THAN MY PREVIOUS ACER1208 !

Now i need to test it with lastest Safedisc 2 (like MHOA) and lastest securom V2 (like warcraft 3)...

but seem be good recorder, (very very very low noise !!! i'm surprised!)

i will keep you informed regarding the test under lastest protection test

Stay connected! ;)

Ahh...Good one bud,glad you proved me wrong on this one.Happy Burning!!Looks like a good writer!!:) Try reading and writing everything with it.It will give you an idea just how good it is.:)