Need Help removing Windows 2000 Pro NTFS file System

I installed windows 2000 over windows ME,i want to go back to windows ME but my startup disk for WinME wont work(command input "format c:").My hard Drive is now using NTFS file system.I think the FAT/FAT 32 are gone when i installed win2k.
How do fix this problem?

Soz mate but I dont think u can go back to Fat 32 from NTFS.Format C:/ me does not recognise NTFS partions use 2000 boot disks to format.
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You will probably have to use the system restore disk that came with your computer. There is a utility on there that will format and change back to FAT32. I had that happen once. I think I also tried Partition Magic 7.
FDISK cant recoqnise NTFS

The following app can read all types of file format, copy it to a boot disk (you might need DOS, not sure if it works with ME) and run it.

I know I don't need to warn you but ALL data will be gone after you run it.

good luck



Almost forgot

this app does not re-create partitions, you'll need FDISK once it's been used


(BTW, this app was shipped with Windows NT 3.51 - they never should have stopped using it :)
I think the easiest wat to do want you want is to use powerquest partition magic pro .it has a bootable disk set that will solve your problem..I was having the same problem 2 months ago but partiton magic solved it...
hope that helps
Thanks for the replys.
I can now format my hard drive and install windows ME


I used the delpart.exe and installed it on the winME startup disk.boot up the startup disk and ran the delpart.exe which allowed me to delete the ntfs files.



Alternatively, here are two great little proggies that aid in reinstall, reformat, and format change: IBM ZAP & WIPE.

ZAP, overwrites the first 128 logical blocks of the drive with 00h
pattern, starting at Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 1.

WIPE, overwrites the COMPLETE drive with 00h pattern, starting at Cylinder 0, Head 0, Sector 1 and ending with Max Cylinder, Max Head, and Max Sector.

They are LLF (low level format) proggies that will return your drive partition back to its original 00 format condition. This is great for format change NTFS to Fat32 or 16 or when old data gets in the way (remembering that standard DOS format does not remove the old data, it just overwrites the file headers so they are not seen).

WARNING: this will erase ENTIRE drive, not just the partition (if you have more than one on same drive ;) )!

How to use:

1) Boot to DOS with 98SE, ME boot disc
2) at DOS prompt: zap 0 (replace "0" with what ever drive you want to ZAP).
3) at DOS prompt: wipe 0
4) Reboot to DOS, fdsik to create partition and format to Fat32 or NTFS.

It's small, only 55kb!


Just 1 small question?

Why wouldn't you want NTFS? is there another decent setup? But many of those suggestions will work if you insist on down grading...
not to challenge you but....

I run an ftp server and i have ntfs on both om my systems drives... Just curious as to what problems you encountered?
I wonder - would you get conflicting file security issues, with those specified with NTFS file security and those specified within FTP Server File Permissions for clients?

Though i dont see how though.

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Only other thing i can imagine is file locking by the o/s and so clients may not beable to access file while locked.