need help on how to put a movie into clips


New member
hi could someone help me with puting a movie into clips, i have tryed for 2 week aand i couldnt figure it out. i was reading some of the stuff about on this site so i thought some of u might be able to help as u guys know what you are talking about
thanx Will :confused:
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need help on how to put a movie into clips
could u explain exactly what u mean
?!?!?!? :confused: ?!?!?! do you mean make chapters or scene selection like what you find on dvds ?!

or do you mean fade the pictures in and or out of the scene or movie ?!


New member
fade to blak is a program, that splits the movie into how many chapters u want. you pic a part in the movie where u want to put the chapters, but after i done all that i went and played the movie and the sound was gone.


I think you need to read some guides.
You can't just edit some video, of unknown format, in some program, and burn it with some unknown software, and expect it to work.
We need to know what type of file is your original, what steps you are taking to encode it, what steps to author it, and how you are burning it.