Need help on Antivirus and Internet Security


New member
Hello Guy'zzzz...... I'm new here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: I got a question to ask THE PRO'Z in here. Which software is the best, most powerful or do the best thing in this EARTH. All the software is in new version and up to date definition.

1. Symantec Norton Antivirus & Internet Security
2. Mcafee Antivirus & Internet Security
3. Computer Associate Antivirus & Internet Security
4. Back Ice Internet Security
5. Trend Micro Antivirus & Internet Security ( Pc-Cillin )
6. Panda Antivirus & Internet Security
7. Zone Alarm

I saw these in the market now, but don't know which one is the best one that can protect me. :) I need some protection = me no want HIV :)

Let the PRO'z answer this question.

Thanks a lot GUY"Z :)
Hi and welcome I have also relocated your post to this section of the forum.
For a start I dont use any of the above but would say that the following have done a very good job so far on my systems. These are Kerio firewall 2.15 and outpost. Kerio is freeware but is no longer on their website but a little hunting on Yahoo you should find it is you wanted to try it homepage anyway is (works great on 98 and XP) Now outposst is a very handy firewall to have installed on your system but thats my own view.
i would try avast antivirus after using norton its much better and also free
and doesnt hog cpu and memory me thinks im uninstalling all my norton utils
waste of space
Latest tests came out with sygate pro the best, and Panda titanium.
Avast pro was installed on my puter but after testing mcafee i found i had 3 trojans and 11 ! other virusses. So take your pick. :rolleyes:
I will say this yet again its all a matter of choice (I use Kerio firewall <> The Cleaner for trojans <> AVG Free Anti virus)) but anti virii protection is mainly a matter of common sense (dont open ANYTHING u have received or got off a disk until U have checked for virii & trojans)

I dont even have AVG running except for emails <> checking what U get is the best anti virii of them all