Need help for GP3

Please help me:

When i play Grand Prix 3 (V1.00 07 July, 2000) this program show this error:

Cannot locate the CD-ROM
Please insert the correct CD-ROM, Select Ok an restart application

Today i maked a backup from the original cd and i don´t know was wrong.

1st. I copied all data into my hd and then: copy with Easy Cd Creator 5 with the same name from the original cd.
No errors during the backup.
I put the new cd and this start ok, display the 1st screen and then display the error.

I have a external HP cd-writer plus 9200 series scsi

Any help ?

1) Did you check to see if and what protection the cd has on the origianl? you can use something like clonyxxl to find this out
2) You may well need a 2 sheep burner which your is not.
You will need to put the default setting for safedisk 1 you can obtain this from clonyxxl into one of these programs
cdmate, alcohol120, clonecd blindwrite to name a few to burn your back up.