need help burning DVDs


New member
Hi i have an absolute heap of divx files and need to get them to dvdr discs? i have tried tmpgenc but couldnt get to work,im only new to this, but tried chickenmans things, didnt work either, not sure if its my computer,burner?? but not one has woeked with different programs, clonedvd,dvd shrink,bbmpeg,ulead2.....the list goes on with my frustration.

also even when i copy dvd 2 dvdr, it custs out, doesnt do the whole movie,only gets 20mins or 50mins...
i need help!!!!
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New member
ok, well if i use ulead2, it might copy the divx fine and complete, but when it comes to playing it, there will be no audio. or it will say "file could not be converted" or ''disk space not enough". but there is plenty of free HD space.

and if i use dvd shrink to copy a dvd to dvdr then it will complete the whole process and say completed successfully, but when you play back the dvdr it has only copied 20mins or 40 or 50mins etc on the dvdr. its perfect quality, but of course not finished???
Sounds like you don't have the proper DiVX codecs loaded, or your apps cannot use them to convert. May check your DiVX codecs and your avi files, if they are ok, try another app to convert before authoring a DVD.

I would recommend CLONEDVD (CloneCD Developers), And a program call AnyDVD...
The AnyDVD sits in the systray and Analyzes the Origanal for protection and bypasses it...

But the AnyDVD must be loaded when CloneDVD is in use...
Then Load up CLONEDVD... follow on screen instructions... Cant go wrong..



New member
ok, im using p4 with xp,msi dvd+/- burner and the programs ive tried to use to get divx> a dvdr disc are ulead2,tmpgenc,copy2dvd,nero6...the list goes on.
does dvdclone do HD files or only disc to disc?
the codecs i have are just ones i d/l off the net from ace mega codec pack?