Need help burning a movie over 2 discs!!!


New member
Is there any guides out there that allow you to split a movie over 2 discs (using DVDdecryptor/DVDshrink/BurnAtOnce). I've tried doing it myself by placing by the first 3 .VOB files on the first disc and the second 3 .VOB files on the 2nd disc, and the first disc works, but the second doesn't! Any idea's?
you can't simply rearrange the files onto separate discs and end up with functional copies (even the first disc won't work 100% correctly). you can try using dvdstripper, with which you can choose what you want to keep and remove on a dvd. you can use this functionality to split the contents of the dvd over two discs, as well as remove anything you don't want to be present on either disc. donate to the creators if you find the program useful.


New member

Try a program called DVD FAB, I forget the web site, but fire into Goggle or the like and you should get the download site.
I just used DVD Decrypter to rip to hard drive then used shrink in reauthor mode and set start end to split it worked like a charm.


That's one of the nice things about Nero, all you have to do is click one check box and it will do it to multi discs, at least that's the theory.

I've personally never used it since I do as others have pointed out and just shrink and burn to one disc using Decryptor and DVD Shrink.

See ya,