Need good video editor software.

Is there a good video editing software which can handle 3 video and audio tracks.
Example: Multiangle (3-angles) DVD-movie is ripped and coded to 3 separate avi-files (DivX5+mp3). Now I want to make 1 avi file which includes frames from each separate avis.
Cutting point is keyframe, so there is no need for re-encode file.

How this can be done ???

Now days I'am using VirtualDub: First split 3 avi files to smaller pieces and then append to one file.
This can't be only way to do this.

Or is there some other solution for this kind of "problem".
There are not many AVI editors around and exactly what your doing with VirtualDUB is the way I would have recommended.
To Chickenman!!!

I never saw you recomend vegas video3???Is it any good---i know its good for audio!!!!;)
ChickenMan said:
I'm sure it exists in the real commercial world. Have you had a look at Adobe Premier 6 ?
Well, I must download it and give it a try.
Maybe I also try Ulead Mediastudio Pro 6.5 and Pinnacle Studio Version 7.
Lets see what happens.
vegas video3 IS VERY GOOD but you will need a very good settup to benifit from it usees lots of CPU AND RAM....very very good
Another program I used away bak was musicmatch video I think it was call... got it discount $ from >
I'll look up de full name and PM u de link or details:)

top of de range pinnacle software's is good. ( DV500 PLUS )
av a look pon dem below
pure motion editstudio 2.1
Ulead av sum stuff dont know much bout dem.
hope dat help ya.
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Vegas Video Update 3.0a 107

The Vegas 3.0a update contains many bug fixes, including:
Vegas can now burn PAL VideoCDs.
Vegas now supports USB or IEEE-1394 (FireWire) CD recorders when using Windows 2000 or Windows XP.
Fixed variable bit rate, constant bit rate, progressive-scan, and color level accuracy bugs in MPEG-2 plug-in.
A bug that caused MPEG-1 files containing black frames to crash the Media Pool has been resolved.
Apply Non-Real Time Event FX will not work correctly for monaural files.
A bug that caused Vegas to crash if you adjusted an Assignable FX input fader when multiple busses and assignable effects controls selected has been fixed.
Dropped frames during capture (or recapture) will not change the length of the captured file.
Support for additional DV decks has been added.
Improvements in DV timecode reading resulting in more accurate dropped-frame counts.
See the Vegas and Video Capture readme files for more details

Dis update missed mi:)