Need application clone/move software

Need software to clone/move an app

The old cleansweep utility used to have a function where you could clone a single application from one computer to another. It basically would copy all the files and registry entires to floppies and then write them to the correct places on the second computer. Anyone know of a current program that will do this? (I have lost the installation disk for a program of mine and want to install a copy on my second box). Note this is not a move on the same computer like the old partition magic could do, but to a separate machine.

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Thanks rastaman, but don't think it will do. I only need to move one program without changing anything else on target machine. So I just need to add program & dlls to the right directories and add the right registry entries.

I may be able to do it by hand, if I can find the right registry entries, have done it before in Win95 days, but it's a pain.

Thanks anyway.