Naturist swim in Loch Ness

According to the radio this morning, British naturists will be holding a sponsored swimming relay in Loch Ness.

A nice bit of bait for the monster ;)
michaeldriver said:
And Nessy waits with bait-ed breath for the first nibble, no doubt.

lol if its anything like the pic in janies sig then i dont like the look of its sharp and pointy teeth :eek: :eek: lol :D
VIPER_1069 said:
dont like the look of its sharp and pointy teeth
And I'm guessing that the Free Hanging British Aquanauts would be having second thoughts as well.

And...Spike Milligan, god bless him...he (and the other Goons) saved me from sanity on many a warm and sensible Sunday night in Sydney. :rolleyes: