N.B is leaving us..

As taken from main site.

The first day in this year, and I already have VERY sad news ...
Sad for you and surely sad for me as well.
I fought against it, but nothing helped :(
From the 7th Jannuary 2002 I have to do 8 months military service !
In austria everybody has to do this 8 months military service, or 12 months commmunity service !
So that mean:
N.B. won´t be here :p For about 8 months !
I guess I am here on weekends, but that isn´t a solution !
So, yeah, I have to say good bye for now !
I already have 2 people who will continue on updating the site, and I will take back control after I returned from the army.
I am REALLY sorry about this, but I cannot do anything against it !
I already tried the whole last year to get around it, but NO chance !
So far ..
I hope you won´t miss !
and I wish the new webmasters good luck for the year 2002 ...

So far ! Cya soon ..
No more newsposting in the next 12 hours ! Everybody should read this ...
N.B....I hope the time goes quickly for you!Thankyou for a fine site and forum for us.You will be missed:(

I just hope you are able to continue to be here on weekends.All the best to you,my friend!;)


Yep he is the lucky one....i had to stay in the german airforce for 15month.

Army service might not be your cup of tea, it certainly was not mine, but you're going to learn a lot from it, specially about yourself.

On August the 7th you will be a civilian again, chances are you're going to appreciate and enjoy your freedom more than ever before.

What I'm trying to say is: "always look on the bright side of life..."

Thank you very much for everything and keep in touch.

civilus (non militaris)
Good luck N.B, time will fly and you will be back with us full time again before you know it............I hope they pay you while you are in there !!!!
At least you will be able to ' pop- up' and say hi on the weekends and even maybe tell us what you have been doing.........we could have a 'N.B's News Forum', there ya go Woody, make N.B one.

Lethal,I'm sure N.B. will post when, and if he gets a chance.I hope other countries adopt policies like here in Canada.Our military is strictly volunteer here in times of peace.Forcing young people into the service is not a good idea, in my eyes.I think if the time ever came,the majority of people would serve their country voluntarily.People would be drafted here in time of war however.

I know some people will disagree with my way of thinking.


Staff member
HeHe ..
Thx people ! 8 months will bypass soon ...
On the other hand I will try to get out there ASAP ... for cdrsoft :p
And I will inform you about the stuff which has happend ...
Hopefully only good news ...
Most of my classmates from school are now in the army as well, and so I hear many stories about this stuff, let me tell you one ...

A friend of mine and his platoon had a training in the darkest night, with real ammunition, usually forbidden over here, but yep ..
they have a VERY stupid Sarge :p
At some time in this maneuver they had to secure the weapon, you know, take out the mag of the gun and remove the one bullet in the gunbarrel. After you done that, you aim onto the ground and released the trigger to check, your weapon is really secured. One of this platoon did NOT remove the mag, before removing the bullet from the gun barrel -> he kicked this one bullet out, but a new one was loaded into the gun from the mag.
Yep, then he pressed the trigger and shot the man next to him right into the arm ...

Nice story, eh ?
and this really happend .. I hope I don´t have stuff like this ..
and poko, I already talked to some greeks some time ago ..
They told about they have to do mil. service for a little longer ...
And about the BAD payment ..
In the end I see the whole stuff like woody ... army or not should be everybodys choice for himself ...

so far ...
NB best of luck m8. I did 2 years in the Australian Army and had a wow of a time. Just make the most of it and 8m will pass real quick.