Myth III - The Wolf Age

I've downloaded this game but the iso file has a LCD extension (it's myth3.lcd) and how can I burn this?
I've used isobuster and I have seen that is an iso but I don't know how to burn it :confused:
i think you can use cdspace h**p:// to convert it to an .iso extention ;) ..that's about as much as i know about .lcd format..also here's a handy site for checking out file extensions w*
i downloaded the damn game to but the ace archive was passworded. whas yours passworded to? if yes, what was the pw?
I've done all with isobuster in the sense that I've extracted all the files in the data track and then burn it with nero normally then I've downloaded the crack for no-cd from gamecopyworld
The password for the game is w*
myth 3

The password is correct and I downloaded that game from h**p://Myth but it doesnt't work anymore ... I've founded that link on h**p:// but you have to register in order to see the forum
I've finished also ut 2k3 but for me it was better the original ut
Byez to all