My Drives Safedisc2 Compatible?

:confused: I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum. I have 2 PC's currently. One has an older HP CD Writer 9100 and the other PC has a newer TDK CDRW 241040B. I use Clone CD Version and Clony XXL to read the Copy Protection. I'm trying to make a backup copy of F1-2002 which is protected with Safedisc2 and Nascar Racing 2003 which is protected with SecuRom *new*. I cannot make usable discs with either drive. Are either of these drive compliant with copying Safedisc2 or SecuRom *new* disks, and if not how do I know? If neither of these drives is compliant what brand and type would you recommend and where can I go to see that these drives can copy Safedisc2 or SecuRom *new* disks?
Thanks for any and all help provided. :D
Hi Roger87

Liteons are a good choice 4 backin up games, damn fine burners

Alcohol 120% is prob the best software 2 use, but other posters may know more M8.It allows U to make almost perfect backups & bypasses most of the protections.It use profiles just like CloneCD

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Your HP 9100 is a no-go for safedisk2.
The TDK is an OEM Plextor which will most probably need weak sector amplification for coping with the latest SD2 titles.
So if I were to use Alcohol 120% does that have "weak sector amplification" for copying a safedisk2 CD? Or do I need another program perhaps? Thanks.
It worked for me with the original Plexwriter 24/10/40 and Alcohol (bypass EFM error ticked on). The TDK firmware is slightly different, so I can't promise it will work, but your chances are more than fair. Don't lose your time with the Sony/HP, it's a very good old drive but fails even with several safedisk 1 titles.
If you have some patience then you can not use fast error block skipping when reading. You may need 40-50 minutes to finish reading, but the made image is more reliable.
That said have in mind that it may not work with the very latest versions of safedisk (2.8X+).