music videos off of dvds????

I've been away for a while, but every time I come back, the forum keeps getting bigger. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew how I could just rip a music video off of a dvd and convert it to an mpeg file. I dont even know which file it would be if I used smart ripper or a similar program, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks yall.:D :cool: :D :)
Nawlej, there are probably plenty of ways around this but in my experience, I did this a few months ago using Smartripper. Because DVD Singles have other information on them it is important to select the correct Program Chain if you just want the music video only. Here's what I did:

On the main INPUT screen of Smartripper, in the first box:
TITLE -> PROGRAM CHAIN -> ANGLE, click through each Title until you find one of the shortest (in minutes and seconds) ANGLES. Click on this and the program should select the correct chapters in the VOB's for you. Once you've ripped these, load them into DVD2AVI and scroll through the picture to check that you selected the correct CHAIN in Smartripper. If not, try again but to get the best quality MPEG file, I highly recommend using Chickenman's tutorial, found here:, stopping after the TMPGENC stage. You may have to experiment with the SETTINGS button or STREAM PROCESSING tab on Smartripper to get the correct files, but don't give up IS possible! Good luck.
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There are a few ways those music DVD's can be made. Some easy some more difficult to extract.

The Madonna (I did this one for my daughter a while back) had all the 13 music tracks bundelled together as one large groupe of VOB files. Smartripper would normally select this group and let you rip it to the HD. But I notised EXACTLY 13 Chapters, so untag all chapters except 1, ripped it and bingo, just one complete tarck. Make 13 folders on your HD and rip each one to its own folder and convert each separately.

Others I have done have had 1 group of VOB files but each music track as a different angle. Again, just rip each angle to its own folder.

A couple have even had each music track as a separate group of VOB files, again just rip each to their own folder.

Hope that helps.
It isnt actually a music dvd. It's just a regular dvd with a music video in the special features menu that I want to convert. I dont even know if this would be included in the regular vob files or if theres a different set of vob files that I need to look for. And all I really want is the one video, so if I could just convert the one, that would be cool too, because it would take a whole lot less time to convert the one music video than the entire movie. But yall already know that. Anyway, whatever else you guys know i would love to hear. Thanks again :) :cool:
Arr... thats differnt then. Just rip the whole DVD to your HD and play each VOB file with WinDVD until you find the clip your after. Delet all other files except the 1 or 2 vobs and the IFO file for those vOB's Then open the IFO in DVD2AVI but now select the actual start and end of the clip your after from the VOBs using the slider at the bottom. Then proceed as per normal.
I got it to work. I knew chicken man would have something to say. He seems to know everything about this stuff. Thanks also vcd_pat. You seem to know your stuff pretty well too. A lot better than I do anyway. Thanks again yall.:D :D ;) :cool:

nawlej said:
I got it to work. I knew chicken man would have something to say. He seems to know everything about this stuff.
Not really, I'm still learning myself. Good to hear your got it to work though.
How do you get dvd2avi to read ifo? is it possible to use dvd2avi to read ifo and select the appropriate chapters? this is what i would like to do.
I have tried but it seemed that it can only detect the vobs.
Any explanation is much appreciated.
check here this excellent guide:

Audio-Only DVD Ripping Guide
How to Convert DVD Video to MP3 or Audio CD Format

dongda said:
How do you get dvd2avi to read ifo? is it possible to use dvd2avi to read ifo and select the appropriate chapters? this is what i would like to do.
I have tried but it seemed that it can only detect the vobs.
Any explanation is much appreciated.
"Then open the IFO in DVD2AVI but now.." sorry my mistake, should have said VOB. DVD2AVI cannot open an IFO file.