MPEG2 to VOB - Please HELP!


New member
I've converted a movie length AVI to Mpeg2 successfully with no apparent frame corruption and audio sync problems.

The problem I get is when I convert the file into DVD folders containing IFO, BUP & VOB files - The first VOB is usually ok but most of the others playback a seriously corrupt stream.

I've tried burning these to a dvd (thinking it maybe some DVD playback codec issue), then tried it on my TV-DVD player, which fails to play it at all, and WinDVD on my pc just gives me INVALID DISC. I checked the original AVIs for errors with DivFIX - no errors, I converted the files with AVI2SVCD & Cinema Craft Encoder - no errors. But Tmpgenc and DVD Lab always give me invalid VOB files!

Any Ideas?
dont convert the mpeg2 to anything just load straight into dvd lab and demux when prompted when prompted to transcode audio choose to transcode audio then author as per rebootjims guide here :)
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or convert the avi using THIS great tutorial by Chickenman:) ;) :)
DriLLerXL said:
I've converted a movie length AVI to Mpeg2 successfully ....
Did you select DVD as output of DVD2SVCD or did you select SVCD ? If SVCD, then suggest you select DVD next time. While SVCD's can be authored to a DVDR, they are not compliant dvd files and many dvd polayers will not play them. Stick to true compliant dvd mpeg2 files and you cant go wrong. Check out the tutorial the Poacher pointed to.


New member
I've just succeded in writing a DVD from divX with a diffrent AVI. I chose all the correct settings as before (following your divx to DVD post). there must have been something wrong with the source AVI? I did use DivFIX though which reported no errors.

Is there a tutorial that explains how to check & fix all types of avi errors?

and thanks for the help anyway ;)
DriLLerXL said:
Is there a tutorial that explains how to check & fix all types of avi errors?
That would open a can of worms and take for ever, but I'll think about it and see what can be done.

Have a read of the DivX to DVD, to VCD and to SVCD Tutorials, each ahve a few suggestions on how to fix common problems.