mpeg to svcd

the duke

New member
Please ignore my first thread. I was very wrong started, and apologise for this mistake.
Let me rephrase my problem.
Is it possible that an NTSC file played on an Pal system can causes trouble in audiosync when played on a standalone DVD player(Sound is too late).Even when this problem doesn't occur on Windows Media player with the same file.
Is there a possiblity to convert NTSC to PAL?
Hopefully I'm within the forumrules here...
Of course, anythings possible ! I have many NTSC VCD's, SVCD's and DVD's and they all play perfectly on my PAL TV from my Hiteker AD600. I have NEVER found any movie that plays okay on the PC that plays out of synce on the TV.

I suspect you have a problem with your movie files and not necessarity fully compliant for playback.

I also would not rely on WMP as the the test program to check audio sync, there are many different versions and some good some not so good. A more stable product like WinDVD or PowerDVD is required to test for its true playback problems or not.

the duke

New member
Thanks for your answer ChickenMan.There was a strange problem with the movie. When played from the beginning, the sound was in sync. When skipping to a next chapter, the sound was out of sync.I believe it was a problem with the conversion.I don't have this problem with other movies.
If the movie played from start to end okay, then there is nothing wrong with the conversion. I suspect your problem lies with whatever you used to actually burn the DVDR and/or its settings. What did you use?

the duke

New member
I've used Alcohol 120% to burn the bin file, with Video CD setting as datatype. Normally I don't have any problems. I assume that you prefer VCDEasy?

the duke

New member
problem in dvd player?

So far I have find out what causes the problem with the audiosync. Since the movie played perfect on my PC using Win - or PowerDVD, I assumed there was a problem with my Philips DVD player.I've noticed a little 'glitch' at the beginning of film were my DVD player freezes the film for half a second, and then I have this audiosync problem. I could make a new backup but I've tested this file on a "cheap" DVD player,(No DTS,...)and it worked fine!I suspect that my DVD player is not fully SVCD compatible.Anyone having experience with Hiteker? A friend of mine is starting up this brand in Belgium, and he could offer me next month an new model.(HE-1900)
Ps: So far I can make a backup of my movies via DVD2SVCD, but I always have to use 2 CD'S. I've read somewhere about SKVCD, and the possibility to use only 1 CD for backups. This could save me some CD's, as I always make copies of my films.
Using the search I wasn't able to find anything on SKVCD. Can anyone give me information, like can it be done by DVD2SVCD or do I need to install an other program?Hope I'm in the right forum.
Thanks for your answers...


Converting from NTSC to PAL can be done using TMPGEnc.

The original source might have corruption though and PowerDVD may have ignored this. If the original is an AVI (DivX, maybe), try checking it for bad frames using a guide like - Tenders V-Dub MP3 Freeze VBR Audio and Bad Frames Guide.

Have ya tried the VCD-Header Trick using TMPGEnc?

K(S)VCD is non-standard, but really is great quality considering you can fit a movie onto a typical 700MB CDR/RW -

Check this DVD Player Compatibility List for info about your DVD player's capablities.

There are a few DVD players about that are capable of playing high quality MPEG4 content (DivX, XviD (AVI) etc). One is the Kiss DVD player. DivX and XviD are great for backing up. RV9 ain't too shabby either, but I don't think there's any DVD players that are able to play that format back.