MP3 question..

I downloaded a big file from eDonkey (730mb) which contains all Beatles discography divided in albums and concerts, the problem is that they r not divided in tracks...evry album is a big mp3 file which contains all album's tracks. I'm aware of a plug for winamp called Mp3cue that can handle those files if there's a cue attached, but doesn't work for these files.
Every album title is followed by {HJ} (maybe just means HQ and Joint S), I would like to know if there's any prog or plug that can let me view tracks cause I need to split those albums in tracks for my needs...and would be too much work do it manually :confused:
Hey Lore, just read your question about your dilemma with the huge mp3 you downloaded. A friend of mine at work downloaded a very similar BEATLES discography mp3 using WinMX and he had the same problem until he discovered MP3 SURGEON, it allows you to load the mp3 into it and add cue points between every mp3, you can also use a function called PLAY BEFORE and PLAY AFTER to make sure that you're not cutting off the end of a track. Once you have added cue points you can export each section as a separate mp3. Just check out the help file.... you can find the full-registered program of MP3 SURGEON 2.1, next to Shoebedobedoo's post, 6 lines down.

Good luck... if you have any problems, let me know and I'll give you a bit more advice on the cueing option.

Tnx for your reply, I know I can manually spit the files, there are a lot of good progs to do that but this is what I told I would avoid.
Sometimes this kind of files have an attached file (like mp3cue I told before), which allows you to see the tracks as they were loaded in a winamp playlist, I would like to know if there's any plugs that I'm not aware of that act the same way as mp3cue
Oh sorry Lore, I obviously didn't read your question properly. I'm not aware of a program that can do that.... not sure if MP3 SURGEON will automatically look for lower points of volume in audio levels and split it for you without doing anything, it's worth giving it a shot, alternatively - check out h**p://w*

Send me a PM if you find anything useful.

(MP3TrackMaker 1.40 looks useful)

Lore... furthermore, my friend at work tells me that Steinberg's WaveLab does this cutting of huge mp3 files for you. There is a built in option that scans the file for a volume level of less than so many decibels and it creates cue points automatically.... sounds like just the sort of thing you're looking for - much less hassle. You can download it on the main cdrsoft website. Good Luck - vcd_pat