Mp3 128 kbps quality to 192 kbps ?

If a 128 kbps mp3 file is re-encoded to 192 kbps is any actual quality restored? I don't have the greatest ear for music but it seems to have a much richer sound after converting from 128 to 192. I want to know if I'm "imagining this".

Thanks In Advance,

The re-encoding may be introducing additional artifacts, contributing to the "richer" sound in the same way that some people prefer vlave amplifiers (though the valve amp produces MORE distortion than a good transistor one, it is biased to melodic even harmonics instead of harsh odd ones).

If you have NERO, try a touch of "High frequency rebirth" - see if you like it or hate it!
Thank you for the responses. I have Nero but I'm unsure of what is meant by "digital rebirth". I'm not at all very experienced with Nero, as almost all of my previous burning was with Easy CD Creater.