Mozilla Firebird - Man I just Love it!!!


Do many of you guys use this? I know quite a few use Mozilla as I do or rather did, have you tried Firebird at all?

It's greeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt!

Lovely, sleek, fast, simple and great extensions to add on too. Bye bye Mozilla 1.5 for me, you have been a good friend but time for us to part as my new girl's youthful looks and style have won me over. :p :D
Many rough edges till Firebird jumped onto the Mozilla 1.6 code trunk, but they are getting sorted and the thing gets better every day...
My only major problem currently is the shitty behaviour of the Linux XFT version with Flash. It's due to the fonts installed and used by the Macromedia plugin, it seems, I hope a new one will be issued.
The mozilla swfdec plugin can also be used, but it hangs Firebird randomly.
In short, this should be the best browser available for almost ANY platform.
Since installing and uninstalling is very easy (you just have to backup the /MozillaFirebird folder plus the /phoenix folder at your user profile in documents and settings), it's quite some fun trying the new nightlies which are issued almost daily:
Firebird is SO great :)

Using it as default (with opera 7.21 :) ) and working nice!

I've found it to be a liltle slow to load, so I tried the optimized build for P4 and wow its fast! :)

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20031028 Firebird/0.7+ (aebrahim)

Best browser with Opera v7.21 :)


Just d/l Thunderbird to try that out and now it's prolly goodbye Outlook as well now! :D

A bit quirky to set some stuff up I am finding but I'm sure that once I'm used to it I will be very happy. I'm just happier with every other piece of software that can take the place of Microsux software, viva open source! :)
I'm using Firebird on windows 2000 & suse 8.2 , it looks good & works great on both of them. I use Thunderbird with windows but haven't tried it on linux yet as I've been happy with evolution & haven't seen a need to change yet. Still waiting for more input before using Thunderbird with linux. Any comments on it would be most appreciated.
Hearing you guys talk about it I'm d/ling it now. I let you know how I like it. I usually just use IE and sometimes Opera.


Hehe, thought people might like this Blane. :D

I liked the speed of Mozilla but did not really like the look & feel of it but find this perfect for me. Visit the extensions site m8 and see how many little add-in's they have there, well cool and all tiny file sizes too.
Ok I like Mozilla 1.5 so far but I found a few things I have a problem with. The first is how do you make the paste work I hate typing think over when I can just copy and paste!! Guess what by default past is shut off.:( Second is I have pop ups enable on this site but I still have to go to my email to find out if I have any new messages and yes I have them turn on in options. They did work like once and that was it. Also why can't I import my bookmarks from nescape 4.7 and when I import my address book it would let me drop them in the personal AD Book. When I bring the folder in my P-A-B folder it makes a second folder and I can't erase the fist? Thanks
I found that the quick launch would bomb constantly in 1.5 if U used a chatbox in a website :(

I still dont think it as fast as opera, opera takes 3 secs till it displays a page, mozilla took 15 secs, not good :confused:


Hmm... and heres me thinking Firebird was just the Browser of Mozilla only. Oviously its different. Looks like an other download comming up for me then.
ChickenMan said:
Hmm... and heres me thinking Firebird was just the Browser of Mozilla only. Oviously its different. Looks like an other download comming up for me then.
No... it's not. It's the Mozilla (Gecko) browsing engine, but both the looks and the plugin system is quite different (and IMHO superior). Stability and rendering is about the same, but the speed is dramatically improved in Firebird- in fact no other browser comes close (always speaking with java and javascript enabled).
Thunderbird has also transformed into a formidable email client. Branch merging was supposed initailly to happen at the 1.5 crosspoint, but it seems that this will happen when Mozilla 1.7 is out- THEN Firebird will be just the browser part of Mozilla- and maybe this will be pushed back even further.
Ilike Thunderbird, its a very nice emailclient, but I still have some problems to set it up the way that I like. I am very used to Outlook Express so basically this is what I am missing in Thunderbird, any ideas on how to enable it?

1. How can I have my folder bar as a button? I was using it like this in OE for saving work space, in Thunderbird I can only hide it clicking on the line and drag it into the left border.

2. Why it doesn't remember the zoom settings for the message isplay panel? I have to set it everytime I use Thunderbird.

3. The known problem about not having a common inbox for multiple accounts if you need it.

By the way:

One of the things that I love from it is that it displays all the messages inside a forwarded message togheter in the same screen, you don't need to open everyone manually (like in OE). I was very used to this from the Netscape 4.x Email days. Is it a way to achieve this in Outlook Express?