Movie Problem's Smartripper

Just Ripped Full Metal Jacket with Smartripper 2.41 and Dvd2avi 1.76,if i ripped file with Smartripper and click on movie all is well,but if i just use file's i get audio out of sync,and one time i got audio in french.Anyone know what's going on or did i mess up somewhere i made several movie's before with chicken-man's tutorial and no problem.


Did u check which language u ripped or did u rip a few.
In smart ripper click on the stream processer tab before ripping to see the audio files. English isnt always track 1.Especially in Canada.
Did u run m2edit.
Did u output as vcd(not system).

Chickenman is the expert though;)
No i did none of the above and i use svcd for my film's,i never had to check into any thing in smartripper before and all was well??? If i just click on movie in smartripper it works but before i just clicked on Files for vob files and it worked ,got me confused why i have a change??

Again Thank's for Reply

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