movie files....

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i was wondering what kind of quality is a movie if its a workprint??....
i understand what screeners, telesync, and cams are....but them other ones are kinda can you tell if its a good or bad quality movie??
sorry Tommie, such terms are used in relation with videos you surely don't own legally; so your question is not allowed in our forum; ;)

Greetings from
Basically a WORKPRINT/screener/ts/other or a pre release/unreleased ... is 110% STOLEN unless you are the movie company that is making it!/producing it!!! :mad: say that you have a WORKPRINT or access to one is stating the obvious that YOU OWN stolen material usually unfinished and ALWAYS COPYWRITE !!! :mad:

We will NOT discuss these STOLEN materials here !!!! :mad:

as it CLEARLY breaches forum rulings under the category of WAREZ !!!


please read the forum rules here thanks >

We are not talking about Murder but I see your point
A working print is a copy of the movie for working on <>
The Final release is usually different & if U possess a "working print" & are not employed by the Studio etc it is an illegal copy ALL working prints on the web are "illegal" "warez" call em what U will.

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