More than 300 this correct?

Lion King: More than 300 this correct?


I tried a DVD with DVDStripper. I noticed that DVDDecrypter creates extra vobid/celid files and I end up with more than 300 items. Is this right?
I used a clean installation of Dvddecrypter

it contains a special edition (remastered) and the original movie. My goal is to create a DVD with the special edition only...

yes it will be correct as most of those will be stills in the extras, such as pictures/storyboards etc

It may seem like mission impossible but it is possible and the more you use it the quicker you will fly through the list

check out the VTS number as the extras will probably be in a different VTS number to the movie. Also look at the sizes as this is another help to show the stills etc as they will be very small compared to the rest. If you want to remove them real fast, turn off the Autoplay and just use the REMOVE button to zoom down the list checking once in a while just by doubleclicking an item to see what it contains

I had the same thing with another DVD as one extra alone had 247 items :eek:, but it only took a few more minutes to work out what I needed to remove as I didn't want them and they all had the same VTS and similar in size being very small

I know it's a pain on a DVD like this and I'm sure we will speed up the process in the future

p.s. welcome to the forums and I'm sure The Poacher will be along soon :)
MackemX said:
yes it will be correct as most of those will be stills in the extras, such as pictures/storyboards etc

It may seem like mission impossible but it is possible and the more you use it the quicker you will fly through the list

I know it's a pain on a DVD like this and I'm sure we will speed up the process in the future
I will take a deep breath and give it a try. :eek:
mmolenaar said:
I will take a deep breath and give it a try. :eek:
you may need a real big one of the 1st attempt :) but tell us how you get on anyway and any suggestions you may have that will help you
Okay, here are some of my experiences...

First of all, the mininavigator helped a lot. You can skip very fast through the items. 90% of the items are indeed stills/pictures for the games/extra's on the DVD.

Second, there isn't really a special edition and an original movie on this DVD! Only the first 3 chapters/items and the last item are "double", the middle part NOT (just the original or special part, who will notice the difference anyway).

It's hard to explain, perhaps this will help:

item 294 }
item 295 > original movie
item 296 }
item 297 }
item 298 > special edition
item 299 }
item 300
... (original?) special edition :eek:
item 30x
item 30x+1 original credits
item 30x+2 special edition credits

This is how you get two versions of a movie + extra's on a single DVD9. :D

to be continued

nice to see you are learning as it does get easier the more you play around and the thought of processing 300 items is a little scarey at first :eek:

soon you will be processing a DVD in next to no time :)

some DVD's contain the movie, but then contain a few extra cells for the special edition that are played instead of the original cells at certain points throughout the movie

if you can identify these cells you can then remove them, but then you will lose the original version as it will just skip the removed cells if you ever play that version


New member
I'm currently working on a DVD and it has 1046 items in the Item list, and 87 items in the Item Menu list.



New member
MackemX said:
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

Its no so bad once I realized that most things are grouped by VTS. So for example all 200+ items under VTS 01 is the main movie, all items under VTS 02 seem to be previews. etc..

So I can just preview a few random items in a VTS and know if I want to keep or not.
tomaste said:

Its no so bad once I realized that most things are grouped by VTS. So for example all 200+ items under VTS 01 is the main movie, all items under VTS 02 seem to be previews. etc..

So I can just preview a few random items in a VTS and know if I want to keep or not.
it does take some getting used to in situations like this but you soon get the hang of things :)