monitor troubles

My hitachi cm721f flat crt monitor has got something like wave lines, magnetic distortions i thought, they dont alter the pic, there just there, ive degaus the monitor with no difference, you can see them at all times and they are annoying to say the least , anyone know how i could fix this
The other question is what is a good all round lcd 17 inch thats good for games and movies as well as having very good text
thank you
mmm could also b becoz of the graphic card,u tried swapping the cards to see if there's any difference?
Moving, fixed?
Check for any unshielded magnetic field sources near the monitor - any devices containing transformers, speakers (I got caught out by a clock once - a TALKING clock).

Check that resolution and scan rate are supported.

If you have a digital camera, see if you can get a decent shot of it - a screengrab, of course, would be no use at all!
I tried to get a pic of it, there is nothing magnetic at all near the monitor, i think this problem is making the focus go out also as the monitor has lost its sharpness
I hope you can see the lines in these pics
the lines dont move either, the pic with the clouds in it you have to look at the clouds to see them in the pic, i have tried a lot of different refresh rates and resolutions and all are suported


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onlinejames said:
I tried to get a pic of it, there is nothing magnetic at all near the monitor, i think this problem is making the focus go out also as the monitor has lost its sharpness
I hope you can see the lines in these pics
the lines dont move either, the pic with the clouds in it you have to look at the clouds to see them in the pic, i have tried a lot of different refresh rates and resolutions and all are suported
A few things.
One is are you using a switch box to use one monitor for two pc's?
Two did you try a new cable?
And if all else fails I just take my hand and smack the side of the monitor but if that works you know your monitor is on the way out.:eek: