Monitor Problems

I have grey shadows appearing on my screen on any line that has text on it. I have a Nvidia TNT video card on a compaq system. I changed the monitor from a compaq to a NEC mutisync xv15 thinking the monitor was the problem. However there are still the same amount of shadows there. I tried the settings and anything else i could think of, such as looking for new drivers with no luck. Anyone else seen this problem before and have a solution? Any help would be appreciated.
I have seen this before, and the VGA card was the problem, If you could lay your hands on oe to try berfore you buy. If yours is built in to the mother board you may disable it before you try another.

Irish Bear


I`ve got the same problem. I have a Hyundai Imagequest P910+ and GeForce ti4600. I dont know what caused the problem to appear. It was just one day I reinstalled windows and there it was. I haven`t reinstalled since, so I dont know if it would disappear if I did.

I figured it didn`t do me any harm, except being extremely annoying, so I just changed the outlay of these textboxes so they are all beige by default. That way the background is always kind of grey, so I wont see the "shadows".

At least it looks a lot better than those grey shadows, even though it doesn't fix the problem.
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