I've just recently started, or trying to put my home videos onto disc, and I'm having problems. I posted last week as to what software to use and received very helpfull advice. So here's my problem.
It doesn't matter what software I'm using it still does the same, but I've used the built in XP capturing software, Unlead Videostudio and Adobe Preimier.
If I do a test run and capture 2 min of video it works fine. Not a problem at all. If I try and run the entire tape it crashes. The entire system just freezes. Most time this happens around 4 to 5 minute mark but has happens as early a 2 to 3 minutes. The longest run I've had was 9 minutes.
I tried batch capture with Unlead and the tape ran through, but I couldn't save it, or couldn't find the video I just captured.
I'm hoping it's just a simple thing I'm overlooking but I don't know where to start. This is the first attempt for me so remember that I green when replying.
It doesn't matter what software I'm using it still does the same, but I've used the built in XP capturing software, Unlead Videostudio and Adobe Preimier.
If I do a test run and capture 2 min of video it works fine. Not a problem at all. If I try and run the entire tape it crashes. The entire system just freezes. Most time this happens around 4 to 5 minute mark but has happens as early a 2 to 3 minutes. The longest run I've had was 9 minutes.
I tried batch capture with Unlead and the tape ran through, but I couldn't save it, or couldn't find the video I just captured.
I'm hoping it's just a simple thing I'm overlooking but I don't know where to start. This is the first attempt for me so remember that I green when replying.