
MetaBench is a benchmarking program being developed by 7Byte. It is consisted of more than 54 different tests designed to benchmark high-end systems. Benchmarks are carefully designed in consideration with new CPUs and system architectures. It consists of two types of benchmarks: Synthetic and practical. Its synthetic test measures different component's performance purely. Practical tests are consisted of different algorithms being used in different software. They are designed to measure performance of the whole system as unit, they include Ogg Vorbis audio encoding/decoding(very similar to MP3), Fast Fourier Transforms(FFT) tests and PPMD compression method.

Main features:

More than 54 different benchmarking routines
MMX, SSE, SSE2, 3DNow! instructions routines
Hyper-threaded compliant
Charting ability
Export results ro XML
And more features to come soon...
