I just got a bootleg of vanhalen-it is a 2 dvds-total is 8gb.Rock concert,1 video and 2 audio;2.0 stereo and 5.1 surround.I was thinking to merge those 2 in one big dvd,erase 1 video and leave as 1 video and 1 audio,so when i get 1 big dvd i will just reencode with dvd2svcd or maybe even try that famous dvdrebuilder and compare it with dvd2svcd as i did one encoding from iron maiden 8gb to 4.7 with dvd2svcd and results were amazing-doing it with cce-3 pass vbr
So ony thing that bothers me is-how to merge 2 dvds oin one????Anybody know some good guide and good aplication which can do the job-dvdlab is out of quaestion-dont even mention it please
So ony thing that bothers me is-how to merge 2 dvds oin one????Anybody know some good guide and good aplication which can do the job-dvdlab is out of quaestion-dont even mention it please