Merge menus from different DVDs


New member
Hallo, I ask you experts how to solve this situation :)
I'd like to backup Braveheart Collector's edition. It's on 2 DVDs, first DVD with movie and trailer (7GB total), second DVD with extras (1,43GB total).
I want to split movie in 2 DVDRs to keep best quality. No problem to do it with IFOEdit.
I create 2 discs, the first with first half movie + trailer + menu (I corrected jmp table for scenes selection not in this disc) and the second with second half movie. I completely filled first disc, the second one has much available free space yet.

I'd like to put second original DVD extras in my second disc, with the second half of the movie.
Both original DVDs have their own navigation menus (still pictures, no animation).
This is my question: is it possible to merge, in my second disc, both menus, changing 1 link of the movie menu (trailer link) to point to second menu?

First problem: I've to merge VOBs of both menus (to substitute the original only first menu in second disc):
1st menu is in VTS_01_0.VOB, has 4 pages (VOB-ID 1 to 4), 2nd menu is in VTS_01_1.VOB and has just 1 page (VOB-ID=1). I used VOBEdit to join both VTS_01_0.VOB after renaming in VTS_01_001.VOB and VTS_01_002.VOB. I obtained 1 VOB named VTS_01_1.VOB: this is the problem. I need it as VTS_01_0.VOB. If I rename it and substitute in second disc, how can I fix, with IFOEdit, VTS_01_0.IFO and VTS_01_0.BUP for the new VTS_01_0.VOB (joined one)?
If I try to create IFO and BUP after renaming, IFOEdit stucks with error saying there aren't VOB information in the file :(

Second problem: if I can substitute second disc menu with the new one (joined one), how can I relink (maybe with MenuEdit) all the pointer to the correct VOB-ID/CELL-ID?

Is there any guide somewhere showing something similar (maybe with other movie, doesn't matter, just to have a guide)?
