I use DVDStripper tot remove extras and other unimportant clips from dvd. First I rip it with dvddecrypter then remove unwanted stuff in stripper, I view vobs with zoomplayer and menus with menumodder. This all works fine, but when i edit menus, and with this i mean disable buttons which are not necessary, the final result after processing with dvdstripper(ifoedit) does not reflect these changes: the clips and menus are gone but the buttons can still be highlighted and are clickable and give a black screen when they point to some menu that was removed. In MenuModder I use the editor to deselect the unwanted buttons and change the values of other buttons which point to the buttons that are to be removed. The new values these buttons get are the same as the values the unwanted buttons have that they were pointing to. I know I'm doing it right. I'm saving it, make backup, and close menumodder. When I open the same menu with menumodder, the changes I made are still there. But why not in the final result?????