Media Errors...?


New member
Hey everyone,

I finally started to backup some 'titles' last night, and had some media issues.

Burner - Plextor 708A

Media - Maxell DVD - R and PINE DVD - R

Ok, the Maxell media burnt no problem. Nice clean, and verified perfect.

However the first to PINE DVD - R 's i pulled off the spindle error'd out with this message:

'Error - 10 at Sector 16 - Comman: 2A Sense: 03 ASC:02 ASCQ:00"

Has anyone seen this and know the cause? Is it bad media?

I did try burning different things with each DVD - R .. but also one of the Maxell's did backup something that the PINE error'd out on.

Thanks for your input.


New member
scarecrow said:
Not necessarily "bad media", but it's obvious that the Plextor does not like them...
I am hoping that is all it is and that Plextor will add PINE media to the list on another firmware upgrade.
Make sure you have firmware 1.04 for the Plex.It solves write errors like you mention.The pine media is rebadged,not sure who makes it.Try to stick with recommended media (from Plextor) for best results.


New member
woody said:
Make sure you have firmware 1.04 for the Plex.It solves write errors like you mention.The pine media is rebadged,not sure who makes it.Try to stick with recommended media (from Plextor) for best results.
I have the latest firmware and the media code is MXL RG01 which is on the Plextor site as a Maxell DVD-R. So it should work.. i have tried 4 now.. none of them work.

Funny thing though i check driveinfopro, and alcohol and they are still recordable, as in there is nothing on them. I checked my burner and when the burn process starts the plextor just flashes amber then a few minutes later with the process still at 0% (tried RecordNowMax, Nero, Alcohol 120) the job terminates saying it isnt able to continue.

Again, I have successfully used FujiFilm and Maxell (both 4x) DVD-Rs..


New member
woody said:
Sounds like you should contact Plextor support.I think they've been busy lately.I have posted a thread regarding the PX-708A.This seems to be too common of a problem.
I found out the code for the PINE DVD-R is "Maxell MXL RG01" and the code for some Memorex media i also had problems with is "PRINCO" .... both of these are in the Plextor Compatibility list.

I also emailed Plextor, and the reply i was given was " there is code and then there is code. Some rebadgers dont meet codes specs even though they claim too. Europe gets all the good media and America gets the junk."

What the hell kinda answer is that???
What the hell kinda answer is that???
European by the sound of it <> notwithstanding what the plex men say try media with Ritek G04 dye if they dont work take the burner & tell plextor to shove it & replace it for U.