Max size on CD

I am in the process of cutting up something to place on a cd in svcd format. My question is how much is the absolute maximum you can put on a 700 MB cd? I know it is around 800MB but how close around? I have a cut that is 805 MB. Would it fit?

If its a .bin file then yes.
If it is an mpeg u are going to load into nero or similar program then no.
Not without overburning.
Most 80min cds are slightly under that.
Only 1 sure way to find out!
Would it fit?

VCD/SVCD have a usable sector size of 2.324 bytes (data cd 2.048 byte).

The calculation goes as follows:

80er CD-R: 79:59 min = 4799 sec
4799 x 75 x 2324 / 1024 / 1024 = 797,7 MB in SVCD format
4799 x 75 x 2048 / 1024 / 1024 = 703 MB in DataCD format

or in short (calculator friendly ;) ):
time in seconds x 0,1662 = capacity in MB for SVCD/VCD
time in seconds x 0,14648 = capacity in MB for DataCD

Speaking here of capacity without overburning.

Also think of additional data which is required for svcd (around 8 MB for safety).

As a result you have to cut your mpg to 790 MB for a non-overburned svcd.
Its best to use dvd2svcd and create .bin files.
The program just adjusts the cuts to your chosen number and size of cd.
Then no cuts are needed.
Also works great with avi(divx) files.