Max Payne copy

Has anyone had any luck copieing this game! Have tried CD Mate,Juggler,BlindWrite,RawCDcopy all get to last 3% of disk and nothing but read error's after that!
Have tried with DVD (Aopen 1640 proA),and my burner(Lite-on 16101b) game will install with burnt cd but hang's at spash screen when you try to run it!:confused:
I copied it with Blindwrite, no probs at all using a TEAC12X10X32EB
I know it's a slow burner compared with todays burners, but ive had this wee gem for nearly 2 years and it has never let me down once, copied everything i've thrown at it.
Just make sure the CD you're copying is scratch free and spotless.
If I remember right Blindwrite see's about 500 n something errors when extracting to the hard drive, does take a while to extract
I copied it with CloneCd, and its sweet as, same with GTA 3, cept my comps too shitty to run them both well :(

I have no advice, but thought i'd reply n e way :|
Copying Max Payne

Try using CloneCD 4 with the profiles that can be found by searching the forum. I have man good copies using CloneCD. Also you might want to check to make sure you have the latest firmware for you drive. Hope this helps. Good Luck!


Max Payne is a DVD game I think it would be appropriate if this thread was in da DVD backup section. Could a mod or an admin plz move it there.
ps2king said:
Max Payne is a DVD game I think it would be appropriate if this thread was in da DVD backup section. Could a mod or an admin plz move it there.
For the pc:confused: It's two cds.