matshita cra*

Hi all just bought a matshita 8588 aka panasonic dvd reader and I think its a bag-o-sh*** acording to nero cd speed it is only reading audio at 16 speed average, hell my litey burner reads it at 38..anyone any views before it goes back up the salesmans rear orofice? :mad:
Pffft... I haven't made a post since CDRsoft Forum made it's changes... well it's nice to be back... it's just that the note of the Matshita caught my eye... hehehe... :D
Well... the history being it's a cheap working economic modeled brand... and hard working... although without the features you want... ironic huh ?! well i remember their releases of the CD Writers way back... a So-so rate of performance and once again lacking in the features... it was only limited to 'SAO-Cooked' hehe... well i bet you didn't pay all that much for it ! right ?! Well if ya did... i think you got gibbed ( sorrie the slang, starting to sond like Quake or sumfin' ) ...

the performance it has is a tad F@#$ed, if you know what i mean but it's ability to read most damages disc is quite extrordinary...

But if you want more Feats. like Sub-Channel Reading or Multi-Session reading, then ditch it and try and find yourself a 'TEAC' an out standing reader for those pesky Hard to read SafeDisc CDs, DummyData-Prot CDs and PSX CD with the CD Sub-Protection.

Lite-on is Good too, don't get me wrong but, the internal functions of the blasted things are a horror waiting to happen... if you're a constant User of the drive (i mean CD extraction frequently) then it won't last you more than 10-12Months before it's motor or lens plays up on you and gives you a hard time dumping images or for you to watch them wicked VCDs of the PC (Glitching in the film)...

But when choosing a CD/DVD Drive just ask around 1st and then decide... or it's a process of trial & error through your own experience... ;)


NewGen said:
Lite-on is Good too, don't get me wrong but, the internal functions of the blasted things are a horror waiting to happen... if you're a constant User of the drive (i mean CD extraction frequently) then it won't last you more than 10-12Months before it's motor or lens plays up on you and gives you a hard time dumping images or for you to watch them wicked VCDs of the PC (Glitching in the film)...

You have lots of evidence of this bud?! I have heard these claims for some time now and this "opinion" even prevented me from getting a LiteOn for quite some time (old Plex die hard ;)). It usually comes from a non-LiteOn user and it's getting rather old. :rolleyes:

I have seen or heard many success stories of LiteOn's lasting for a long time. We have a LiteOn 24x at work that has seen thousands of hours of extracting and burning without a hitch (its quite a few months over 12 months too ;)). It even outlasted our 24x Plextor that we purchased about the same time. Hell even my home 40x (40125S) has burned about 1400 CDs.....still burning fine.

If LiteOns were so crappy, don't you think the truth would have spread far and wide already?! ;)

If you like TEAC drives bud, good for you. I won't say anything bad about them....they generally do make good drives. Now I'm not saying that LiteOn has not made some bad drives, but NO drive manufacturer can claim this!

I for one am glad that I did not listen (for too long anyways ;)) to this "opinion" that LiteOns won't last more than a year, will self destruct, make crappy burns, poor DAE, etc. The reality is, they make great drives!
£40 or less for a liteon 163 means if it gets through 12 months its done its job.
I thrash the arse of mine and its still working fine after 10 months or so.
Lets face it, 90% of drives are dinosaurs after a year or so anyhow.
If u mainly rip audio and dvd then its pretty hard to beat!