Mandrake 8.2--Help?

This may sound simple but this is my first time with linux. Installed no problem-configured--slight problem but worked it out---now tweaking the desktop--again no problem ( fairly easy to install a new wallpaper) Now comes the problem--decided to install Netscape and downloaded the installler file --just cannot figure out what to do next---says to type in a command string--but where? Be gentle this is my first time! LOL
This is what I was looking for for hours now! Thank you.

Thanks to you also drtbalu but I'm not shure that I can log in as anything other than the one user that I set up on install. This user has full rights if that is what is ment. As I stated--- first time and feeling very uncertain about anything as this is as foreighn to me as a new language. I can understand very little but can make out the general meaning. Right now I can ask for the restroom and a cold beer and maybe know a few swear words but that is it! LOL
open the command prompt and type su it will ask for a root pass word u got to type the root pw u get logged in as root. u cannot install any progs in linux without being a root user