I tried InstantCD/DVD v6.02 Demo, but it really stinks! I have a Plextor 12/10/32a CD-RW
and tried the programme on Windows 98 SE (no other burning programmes installed at all). The first time, I tried to add a session to a multi-session CD-R initiated by (=first session burnt with) Nero What came out was that the all files of the previous session had the attribute 'hidden', so the CD was practically useless. And that was not the only thing: there were also some files with long filenames which were 'chopped off', so the latest chars and the extension of the files were removed
. Third, all times of the burnt files were about 1-2 seconds later than the original on HD.
Then I tried to create a data-cd (joliet) and put some files from the harddisk to the compilation. Again, lots of the files had 'chopped off' filenames, even the ones I corrected because InstantCD asked for it! Secondly the times of the files were some seconds later, almost if InstantCD had changed something to them. But after comparing the files in Windows Commander the files were identical, only the time was changed. But now comes the more scary part: I now can read all the files in Win98 (where I installed InstantCD, but when I start Windows 2000, I cannot read one whole folder!! I seems to be completely empty, in my Plextor burner ánd my Pioneer DVD-Rom!! So I guess InstantCD did something to the ASPI layer and the Windows cdfs.vxd to enable reading the files in Win98, what makes it impossible to read those files in any other system or OS without InstantCD. I really hate VOB for that!!!!
I tried InstantCD/DVD v6.02 Demo, but it really stinks! I have a Plextor 12/10/32a CD-RW
Then I tried to create a data-cd (joliet) and put some files from the harddisk to the compilation. Again, lots of the files had 'chopped off' filenames, even the ones I corrected because InstantCD asked for it! Secondly the times of the files were some seconds later, almost if InstantCD had changed something to them. But after comparing the files in Windows Commander the files were identical, only the time was changed. But now comes the more scary part: I now can read all the files in Win98 (where I installed InstantCD, but when I start Windows 2000, I cannot read one whole folder!! I seems to be completely empty, in my Plextor burner ánd my Pioneer DVD-Rom!! So I guess InstantCD did something to the ASPI layer and the Windows cdfs.vxd to enable reading the files in Win98, what makes it impossible to read those files in any other system or OS without InstantCD. I really hate VOB for that!!!!