Macrovision going after the Liteons

I have read that the upcoming versions of Safedisc 2 are being directed towards crippling the Liteons.Stone_burner any info on this bud?I originally read this at Cdfreaks.BTW.


I have heard the same Woody. Safedisc 2.9 will supposedly use an protection that exploits LiteOn and its MediaTek chipset.

But as always a way will be found to get around this. Silly copy protection companies. Seems like someone forgot that we are legally allowed to make a backup of our software :rolleyes:
Have to wait and see. Seems that prime targets are Lite-on and alcohol. No surprise since they're most popular and effective cloning burner and soft right now.

Expect updates to both or other workaround if Macrovision succeeds. Also expect updates to clonecd, blindwrite and gamejack.

Securom 4.8x was unbreakable ... for about 6 to 8 weeks. ;)

Odds are that sd 2.9 won't even last that long. :D
Geesh, Mr. Wallet just payed for Alocohol120% and now I need to buy another prog. At this point, plopping out for every new back-up program I need, Mr. Wallet is starting to get a red inflamation.



CyberMuZ said:
Geesh, Mr. Wallet just payed for Alocohol120% and now I need to buy another prog.
This is exactly how MacroVision want's you to feel bud. Don't worry, be happy..... neither LiteOn nor AlcoholSoft will allow this to go on for long. Besides, if copyprotection was so foolproof, why would there be a need for SD 2.9? (if you catch my drift ;)).

So, take Mr. Wallet out for a beer and be confident that a solution will be found. :)
Here here Dx kim

It's all a game of cat and mouse....not sure which one we are but the 'dark side' is never on top for long. Probably quicker and easier to revamp firmware & issue an update than it is to design a new protection system....

keeps 'em busy I guess :p :p

....DreeM :)
Yeah, it's just a game of catch-up. Occasionally the protectionists are ahead, but usually only for a week or two. Mostly they're behind. :D
The funniest point to the "cat and mouse game is" who really profits. No one.

The software manufacturers get greedy, and they want a big slice of pie. Problem is when I let my boy bring his buddies up to my place for a lan party cause some new game came out they want to play for a weekend together, I purely would not be able to afford such an activity normally. My 12 systems with the manufacturers desired one copy per system X's $50 = $600 for a weekend at home. About two days of work for an average income. NOT!!!

They would be alot smarter and sell alot more copies of programs if they allowed a multi-client license for personal use. I always have at least one genuine copy of every program I use in the house. And that again, gives Mr. Wallet a red inflamation already.

Technical evolution should be for the greater common good and curing alot of problems. But until then dedicated users and technicians will always prevail and find a way. Damn, is this reminisent of Robin hood or what? WHERE'S MY GREEN TIGHTS? :)

And that my friends is all I have to say about that.

Totally agree…..

The big software companies are greedy. I realize they have to pay for development and pay their employees wages but some of the terms and conditions, as well as the cost of the software is just crazy.

When you install a piece of software and it states that it is for single computer use only, yeah right, who in their right mind is going to buy a second copy just to install on a second computer ??....exactly, no-one!!

I have 3 computers with windows xp on them all. Now following the rules I should have gone out and purchased 3 separate copies of windows xp. Now that is just pure greed.

For the software people it must have been good times when CD burners weren’t around. No CD protection needed as no-one really had the ability to copy a full CD of data. Now though, we all have high speed CD burners, so for 30 cents or so, you can make a back up copy of an original CD. That’s what I do, make a back up copy of all my original CD’s, it’s much cheaper than having to replace a badly scratched original CD.

The software people must waste so much money trying to dream up new protection for their disks, when normally within a few weeks or so the protection has been broke and thanks to the internet, everyone gets to know about it. Everyone has the right to back up data they have purchased. All this crap whereby in the terms and conditions it states that you the buyer only own the piece of plastic the data is stored on (the CD) but the actual data is still owned by the company, what’s that all about??

I often think the big software companies live in some kind of fairy tale world. I don’t know about you but I don’t have huge piles of cash lying about the house just on the off chance I want to purchase some software. Software can cost from a few dollars to hundreds or thousands of dollars. Well I don’t have that kind of cash, as I’m sure most of you don’t. No doubt most of you will have tried a copied piece of software and thought to yourself how crap it is and then when you find out the cost of it, you almost fall off your chair…”$450 for this piece of junk!!”

It all comes down to greed and I’m sure if the cost of the software was lower, a lot more people would actually buy it, even just for the technical support. Mind you, if it’s a well written piece of software you shouldn’t need technical support. Not once have I had to look at the help menu for photoimpact 7, now that’s a well written application.

If because of a protection system you are unable to make copies, well then how are we supposed to make back up copies??..or are the software companies saying we are all thieving little toe-rags who make copies to give to our friends and not for our personal back up usages??....well I only make copies for my own use, as back up…honestly ;)

If Macrovision go after Liteon, are Liteon going to take that?? way, they want to be known as the company that deals with this kind of attack and not the company who’s CD drives were defeated by a protection system. Look what happened with Billy Boy and his windows XP, he made such a big deal about the Product Activation and no-one will beable to run illegal copies of XP….that made him a big target and the damn thing was cracked even before the official release.

I guess M/vision could politely ask Liteon not to issue any more firmware updates…….LOL.

….DreeM :)
Just as an addition.......(as I talk to much as it is...LOL)

Liteon have got the right idea.
Absolutely brilliant CD drives at a brilliant price. That way I bet they sell alot more than had they pushed the price up past the $100 mark, as some companies do.

....DreeM :)
Well Dreemtheef, you have got it absolutely correct. Cost of ownership for software is far beyond any reasonable amount for people with multiple computers. Do we pay for all the software we use, well I do. I will accept a burn of a prog to test and evaluate. If it sucks, it gets uninstalled and pitched. If they do a good job building a quality product, Mr. Wallet pays them a visit and they get supported and rewarded for a job well done. Usage continues. Really basic isn't it " so why don't the manufacturers get the point?" OH WAIT, cause their dumb and greedy. Anyone remember Microsoft BOB ?????

One philosophy the software companies carry is " if you have the money for so much hardware, you have the money to pay for the corresponding software". OK Software Manufacturers, here is a little FYI. I don't have the money for so much hardware. After building and repairing so many clients systems I take the spare parts and hand me downs and put them together and WALLA! Frankenstein System is born!!! GET IT?

And coming from a former OEM employee who dealt with Lite-On directly. Don't get to comfortable with the thought that Lite-On is going to wage war against macrovision and sony. They know if Sony wanted to crush them all they would have to do is snap their fingers and *BLAM* Lite-on is bought out. I've seen it done way too many times.

Second scenario could be they pull out the Shark Lawyers and slap Lite-On with an injunction. If Lite-On releases a firmware *BLAM* they get raided by federal marshalls.

One of the OEM's I worked for that waged war "against an un-named company" was raided by Federal Marshall's, ATF and US Immigration. I was escorted out of the building with a couple MP5's to my back and handcuffed. Oh the memories *SIGH* :D

So laddies, CYA! and have a back-up plan.
P.S. they never explained why ATF was there. Maybe because the I.N.S. is a bunch of wimps???? I don't know <SHRUG>
Yeah I guess Sony could easily buy Liteon.
I think Sony did that with a company called Connectix, as they produced a PSX1 emu. Sony if I remember correctly didn't like the idea of this, bought up Connectix and stopped development of the emu.

Oh well I guess the guys with the big bucks are in charge.....
..and heaven for bid if we make a copy or two instead of buying extra copies.

As Mr. Burns from The Simpsons once put it...

"and I was going to buy that ivory back scratcher"

if you know the episode you'll know what I'm on about....LOL.

....DreeM :)
Yes we all remember BLEEM. What a piece of *&^%$.
And we continue on to 3Dfx GLIDE, bought by Nvidia and they nixed it. etc etc etc