M1 or M2 Edit

Any one know where to find copy of this that works,i looked high and low for demo to try or full version.

Thanks Cheeser
Use search

I've posted the link for m2edit twice in the last week.Here it is again.:rolleyes:

Thank you daveml, but i load and get - Error Could not find License.Dat File for m2 edit

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I had that problem

Make sure u are not connected to the internet
uninstall it.
reinstall it but when it asks you for a serial code put the one in thats in the.nfo file.
carry on through the installation.
If the prog starts to try and connect to the internet dont let it.
U may have to restart to stop it.
Then apply the enclosed patch.
u must put the serial in before using the patch.
Let me know how u go on in case I remembered wrong!
No problem

Thats what the forum is all about.
If you've got a problem, theres a fair chance somebodyelse has had it already.

Thanx for saying thanx.
Manners cost nothing, but for some people thats still too expensive!;) :D