LTR-24102B & firmware

Is it ok to upgrade to firmware 5S54 and not looze any ability to copy game protections like safedisk2 and others? Seem there a number of liteon owners here may no anser to this befor I make big mistake upgrade my fw please, thanks for all.
"If it aint broke why try to fixit" . Use a litey myself and haven't changed the firmware as it does all i need with orig. one.
Personly I think it was just a cache thing. I went to their site and still not there, hit Shift - Reload and bingo, was there.
swoosh over my head. the only reason i'm posting this is for the betterment of my knowledge.i also have a lite-on 241040 and i would like to know what firmware is?:rolleyes:
Firmware is software that is stored in a chip inside the LiteOn (or any other burner, cdrom, dvdrom, HD, etc)

This software basically controls the fundermental way the unit works (similar to the BIOS in your computer's motherboard) and as with any bit of software, it can have bugs or shortcomings. When a problem/bug is found, they fix it, re-issue the firmware as an installable file (well LiteOn does, others do not) that basically overwrites the existing software with the new one.

Some people upgrade their Firmware as new versions are issued for their equipment without knowing what the differencs to older versions are. They assume the latest is the greatest (not always true!) Others take the attitude, if it aint broke, dont fix. Unless you are having some real problems with your unit, the latter option is allways the best.
this is an informative thread...

i have the ltr-32x10x40, do i need to install the new firmware for it to copy safe disk 2 protection? max payne.
i 'm new to firmware flashing... anyone know a guide around?
can you copy safe disc 2 copy protected discs with that firmware?
what program do you use?
how do i check for my version of firmware?

i'm using CloneCD
Once i download profiles for sf2 etc from this forum how do i set them up in CloneCD?

hello G-Love all you have to do is unzip the profiles into you profiles directory on c:\program files\elaborate bytes\clonecd\profiles this will create another profiles folder just cut and paste in to the main profiles folder then when you go to copy a disc in clonecd all the new profiles will be avaliable.

hope this makes sense and helps

take it easy

flyby2001 out...........