LSX-Mpeg Encoder Plugin

Can anyone help to find or give a link to find LSX-MPEG Encoder Adobe Premiere Plug-in v2.0 0r 2.01 with crack.

Thank in advance
Why not used Stand alone Suite.

I have post a link. Is a LSX-mpeg 3.0.1 Version Suite. Very powerful. Bring your AP .AVI or DV to import to the suite. Is the best of all time. If is no good, try procoder. You will see the super picture in VCD, S-VCD and DVD.:D
LSX 3.5 is 2 years old and the 3.5.1 version brings no more quality.

Ligos is going to release v4.0 soon which is based on the newest gomotion6 codec.
Plugin 2.0.1 is already based on gomotion6.dll and gives improved quality and speed in concern with Standalone 3.5.x ...

@ shoebansari
Please do a forum search and you will find plugin 2.0.1 (use the search button above).
LSX Plugin 2.01

It says on openning up that it needs the admui2.fon to display correctly..
Where is this or wher canit be found....