low_delay bit in MPEG-2 seuence

DVDMaestro: low_delay bit in MPEG-2 sequence extension

Hi ! What's the "low delay bit" ,and how can I modify it? (DVD Maestro sad for any demuxed mpv file when I importing assets.) DVD Patcher didn't help me. I wasted one day for this problem. Please help me....
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Hi! (All)

I wrote a mail to ssh; and I got this answer: (full conversation)


Józsi wrote:
> I exerciesed with the ReSteram. Can I modify with it the Low delay from
> 1 to 0 ? (This is a nice tool, but I find a program with such a function.
> Best regards: Joseph (Józsi)

There is no such function "Low delay" defined in an MPEG Elementary
Stream. So modifying this isn't possible, of course.

Best regards

So, the question is open again.
Hi !
I more like the Maestro than DVD Lab. Just is a problematical stuff, not is anything.( I didn't want reencoding with CCE, but is less than 4,3 GB.This not a complete DVD, just are some files. DVD Lab working with them, but the problem is very interested for me.)
Best regards: BeeWatch


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