Lost on back-ups

Hi I have a lite-0n model LTR-52246S it came with ahead Nero but I have also downloaded Alcohol 120% can't seem to copy my C&C Tiberian Sun PC game. Could someone also tell me if there is a way to see what if any copy protection may be on a disk that is to be copied. I should also say my OS is Win.98. And I have a second cd rom installed just a reader.
I have spent some time here reading just don't seem to get it yet some help appreciated.
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yeah get clony find out what protection it has and come back here and read the tutorial posted here by stone_burner on whichever protection it is and how to do it :)
Thanks, I got Cloney and ran it.Cloney says it is Safedisc ver.1 and 3 skulls. After I read the suggested posts I have more questions.What is aspi 4.60 and do I need it and is it normal to get disk read errors when running Alcohol 120%.
I may be aborting the program and all is well but all I see is errors
and start freakin out. I got plenty coasters allready lol.
Thanks again
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The read errors are the protection.No need to panic.;)

Just follow Stone_burner's tutorials.Your aspi should be okay,Clony needs it to work.;)
How sweet it is thanks to all who replied to this thead. I just took my first baby steps and made my backup and it works too cool.
A million thanks
C&C Generals w/alcohol 120

Hi there. I also tried making a backup of my C&C Generals using alcohol 120 but no succes. I have followeda couple tutorials and all I get is data read error at 825 and so on. Data type is Safedisk2. I have a pioneer A03 dvd burner, alcohol 120, and clonyxxl. Please help me out.:confused:
Ok bud,not a big gamer muself,but i saw on a one forum people complaints about your drive..To cut story short,it was said that it cant burn ""raw dao"""--so if its true you are out of luck!!Go to clone site and see if your burner is supported-But probably you`re done with that drive....Luckily,you can keep that one for dvds,and buy a liteon for 50$us-and that drive is capable of copying most game protections!!:)