loop creator

i got loads of samples - bass drum , snare , perc etc (wav).
i want to create my own loops with my samples but cant find any
apps that will do it. does anyone know of any ?
(so i can use my loops in cep2 acidpro etc.)

wavelab etc

hi spider! Do you mean things like wavelab 4, sound forge, cool edit, recycle etc. jkat:cool: peace

i had something on the playstation a couple of years ago (before i got a p.c) it was called music 2000 , it was very easy to create loops using single instrument samples , it even had a sampler where u could sample from cd ,but of course the memory card could only hold a few decent samples , anyway if you know what i mean thats the sort of thing i need . a bit like a tracker i suppose.

ive got wavelab , cool edit pro etc. but cant find an easy way to do it .


Yes I know what you mean, I also started with music 2000:D . then Discovered fruityloops, They also do a tracker (simpler to use but fruityloops is ace!). there are loads of cracked versions about, don't know where offhand yet but in the mean time try there site /h@tp://www.fruityloops.com/English/frames.html/ oh and maybe /h**p://w+w.soundstudio.ru/list_files.phtml for cracked version and try doing a search on this site. jkat:cool:

ok thanks !!
i'll look around for 'fruity loops':D


it looks just the thing im looking for , please post me some links if you get any . cheers :D

or if anyone else knows any please let me know !!!!!!!
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fruity loops

ok ive got it now 3.3 full , couldnt get a working link for 3.4 full
thanks all !!!

good site but link for fruity loops doesnt work , in fact quite a few dont work (not for me anyway).
thanks for your help !

It's on s.studio now, files page h**p://w*w.soundstudio.ru/files.phtml but server is overloaded at the moment (slow d/load). best time to down is about 4-8am uk time. jkat:cool: peace
I use Acid 3.0!!!! It's the best remix tool on the planet!!! Just download the demo from Sonic Foundry's website and the email me with Acid 3.0 in the title and I'll email you the keygen to turn it into a fully working version!!!

Ive got acid3 but I cant make my own loops the way I want to.
(Unless theres something ive missed !)
also the sample editor not that good.
Just a matter of taste i suppose !!!!!!!!!


If you use samples, you can do a lot with Acid!! Acid can do a alot more than you realise!!! You just need to know how to get in depth with the program!!!

just incase u aint got it yet spider, this one appears to be ok.:cool:
