LOOKING for a suitable CYBERSITTER type program thats easy to use but more reliable!!

LOOKING for a suitable CYBERSITTER type program thats easy to use but more reliable to ban/block unsuitable web sites /porn /violence etc suitable wide coverage for ages 5 - 15 with admin type controls and passwording for master user also hidden functions so it cannot be disabled in bootup or seen in task bar !?

tried weblocker it works but works that well it stops pictures loading even in admin/master user mode for pages that do not contain anything bad bah :(

wanted with crack/register patch if available pref !! :D

someone must have some ideas ont his one hehehe come on guys/gals return my promised favours for my posts heheh thanks in advance !! :D:D:D:D:D
It is so many different programs out there, that do more or less the same.
I do not know this program but here is the link for full program

Re: LOOKING for a suitable CYBERSITTER type program thats easy to use but more reliable!!

VIPER_1069 said:
LOOKING for a suitable CYBERSITTER type program thats easy to use but more reliable to ban/block unsuitable web sites /porn /violence etc suitable wide coverage for ages 5 - 15 with admin type controls and passwording for master user also hidden functions so it cannot be disabled in bootup or seen in task bar !?

tried weblocker it works but works that well it stops pictures loading even in admin/master user mode for pages that do not contain anything bad bah :(

wanted with crack/register patch if available pref !! :D

someone must have some ideas ont his one hehehe come on guys/gals return my promised favours for my posts heheh thanks in advance !! :D:D:D:D:D
I have only tried one, that fitted most of what your after. I`ll try to whisper it N***on Internet Security family edition.
I agree in that, but if you beside that, put in or use some of the other NO***N products, you will get a rather slugish pc after a while.

Cybersitter is a small, easy to use package (2 mb) not much overhead and memory usage. I think symantecs products eats all you have, memory , space, and other resources....
joripe said:
Unfortunately they dont work
Porn sites (the unscrupulous ones) put ordinary words for search engines to catch + if your kids get good on the PC they soon get round em.
Too true, little bu**ers always find some way round things :eek: