Looking for a particular app...


I made a html presentation of my trip's photos. I have some navigation butons on top of the images. I made a mistake: I forgot to put the navigation butons under some photos.

The navigation buttons are some basics link to the next photo (like href="photo2.htm" from photo1.htm, href="photo3.htm" from photo2.htm, etc.) not a javascript function "next" that adds 1 to the htm file... That means that if I want all my html files to have thos nav buttons on top and under the photos, I have to edit them manually. Since I have for 600 files, I don't want this :)

My nav buttons are betweens "< !-- begin navigation -->" and "< !-- end navigation -->" tags, so maybe it could facilitate the searching of the code...

So i'm looking for an app that could copy the text between "< !-- begin navigation -->" and "< !-- end navigation -->" and paste it just before the "< /body>< /html>" tags....

Does anyone knows an app that could do this job??? Maybe a batch file?

Please help me!!

tank you very much in advance...