Long starting time for cdr programs

Long starting time for cdr programs in windows Xp PRO!!
- Clonecd
- Nero
I have installed aspi layer, no change.

My system Tb1400, 386Mb sdram, ati radeon, epox 8kta3+, audigy, plextore 12x10x32, pioneer dvd 16x, acer 52x and 4 hdd IBM 40G in stripping mode raid.

Win2000 works this fast, Whats the problem.


Staff member
hmm ..
Interessting .. ;)
I am sorry, but right now I cannot think about a solution ..
maybe tomorrow :D
Nero starts slow for me but clonecd starts normal...

I'm using Win XP Home.

Maybe try to reinstall CloneCD and get rid of the old settings????

(did you try to "trick" it by using a different geographical location?)